Welcome to the
COFCCA And 853 Coalition Members Site


The Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies (COFCCA) is the principal representative for nearly all the not-for-profit organizations providing foster care, adoption, family preservation, juvenile justice and special education services in New York State. COFCCA is comprised of over 100 member organizations, ranging in size from small community based programs to the nation’s largest multi-services agencies — all of which share the mission of serving children and families. COFCCA works with its members and government to ensure quality services for our most vulnerable children — children who have suffered abuse and abandonment and children at-risk.

The NYS Coalition of 853 Schools

The Coalition speaks on behalf of a broad spectrum of special education students enrolled in our member agency schools – from those with emotional/behavioral issues to those with developmental challenges – by advocating, assisting and representing the schools which support and educate them.  The Coalition seeks to improve the education of our 853 schools' students through facilitating relationships with relevant state agencies; through advocating for changes in statute and policy; and advocating for adequate state resources, so that our schools can best serve our students.

Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies (COFCCA)
254 West 31st Street | New York, NY 10001 | 212.929.2626
The Blake Annex | One Steuben Place | Albany, NY 12207 | 518.453.1160

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